Saturday, February 1

Brasstown Bald

Last week Nate and I took a little drive to the highest point in GA- Brasstown Bald. Here are some pictures of our day. We hiked up (about 3/4 a mile) to the tallest point then enjoyed a little picnic together! Great day spent together :)

Friday, January 24

The Importance of Community in the Church

Nate and I began going to our church a little over 2 years ago. From the very first Sunday, I immediately feel in love with the worship and the pastor. I felt convicted from that very first message and was stunned at the truth revealed in that service. We continued to go to that church week after week and I felt my cup being filled with the Word each Sunday we attended. We didn't know very many people (other than the students who went to the college with us that attended our church) so we didn't have much connection. Soon we became part of the Welcome team and each Sunday we stand at the doors and hand out announcements packets. As an effort to connect more in the church this became very important to our Sunday morning routine. We love seeing each face walk in the doors and being able to greet them and welcome them to church. As much as we enjoy greeting every Sunday, we still felt like we were not truly connecting to our church other than face value.
Our church has a program called connect (much like a small group, bible study, or life group that other churches have). We made the decision to join a group last September and currently meet with young married couples. Together we share life and break open the Word. I cannot stress how much this group has changed my spiritual journey. I see now more than ever the importance of these times. The time we have, just spent in prayer for one another moves mountains. I believe there are several reasons why I would encourage anyone to join a small group or bible study.
1. It is essential to our growth in the church to have these connections.
Attending church is a Wonderful thing, but is all too often taken at face value. It is vital to our spiritual growth to connect with other believers in a small setting. 
2. The purpose of small groups is to expand disciples.
As a small group ministry, our goal is to build up leaders in the church. We meet with the intention of growing into spiritual leaders and eventually having our group dissipate and beginning new groups as leaders. The point of a small group is simple- to grow! Growth is so evident in these times. Our discussions help us grow as friends, grow as a family, and essentially grow in our faith.
3. Prayer is a powerful thing 
How often are we asked to pray for someone and agree, yet postpone or forget to pray for them. I heard a very convicting message this week at chapel about how we as Christians lack in our promises to pray for one another. We can all admit to this. The great thing about small groups is that prayer is such a focus. We share life together- both struggles and joys and prayer fervently there for one another. There is no such comforting feeling than hearing others lift your needs up to The Lord. And it doesn't stop there. Many many times we email and text one another with prayer updates and questions. It is an amazing love between our group, and to think of all who could be missing out on such a love burns my heart.
4. Accountability is vital to our faith journey
We as the church and as individuals need to be held accountable in our walk. Being a part of a small group makes it easier to be held accountable and allows us the opportunity to help others stay accountable as well. Being in a small group with various ages is great because we get to Learn from one another and can connect through our life journeys. It is easy to find connections in life and receive help and encouragement during troubling times. 

Wellspring Weekend

This past weekend my husband and I had the joy of serving at a camp near and dear to our hearts- Wellspring Camp in Jefferson,Ga. The camp is designed for kids and adults with special needs or developmental disabilities and aims to teach them about Christ. This is an amazing opportunity, and Nate and I always look forward to the weekends because we love the connections with the campers and their families. This particular event we went to an aquatic center and spent a few hours in the pools then headed over to our favorite place ever... Stevie B's! The campers had a great time playing in the water- even the ones that were unable to swim by themselves got to play in the water!
The reason I love this ministry so much is because of the care that each servant has for the individual campers. We always look forward to seeing their smiles and experiencing the hugs and stories every event. Nate and my hearts are greatly grounded in the camp ministry and we plan to one day open our own camp ministry. Please pray for camp ministries like Wellspring and the opportunities we have to reach the nations through little events like this. To learn more about Wellspring Camp or how you can get involved, visit  or visit their Facebook Page

Friday, January 17

Quiet Day at Home

Today my parents left after visiting us on their way back down to Florida from moving my older sister up to Virginia. Nate's friend Cay came in shortly after for a visit, so they took Pawley and left to explore. Pearl and I have had a great day napping, cleaning the house, and listening to Bethel Pandora. Hope everyone is having a good day. Chaos starts soon so I'm glad I have a day off of work to rest and prepare myself!

Thursday, January 16


I'm doing my very first giveaway! To enter your name into this drawing subscribe to the blog or comment below between now and January 25th!
Set of 4 coasters made by my wonderful husband and myself! Great for coffee or cold drinks!

Season for Change

I am the type of person who typically quits everything I start. I am very predictable because of that fact. However, I am only human so who can blame me, AND I am a woman, which makes my emotions flare so I blame that for my indecisiveness. For example, in the mornings it takes me a minute to decide which coffee mug to use, and what to pack for lunch, and don't even get me started on how long it takes me to pick out an outfit or decide how to fix my hair. Lord bless my husband for putting up with the piles and piles of clothes that I have decided don't fit, are too wrinkled, are the wrong color for my complexion, or have an ink stain the size of an ant on that cause me to toss them aside in the mornings. At least I know I have a hard time making decisions and sticking with them. Every big decision I have made in my life I have backed out on and now looking back I tend to smack myself in the face for giving up so easily on myself.
The reason I bring this all up is because I am in a season of change. I have decided to go back to college (changing my major for the umpteenth time). But this time is different! I am motivated to finally accomplish something meaningful in my life. I don't want to continue to look back and wonder why I didn't believe in myself. Nate has truly been a blessing in this indecisive time of my life and he has really helped me sort myself out. Please pray that I would be successful in going back to school and working full time and that the Lord would provide strength, sanity, and funds for Nate and I both to go to school at the same time.

Wednesday, January 15


We have a new puppy! Her name is Pearl and she is a 6 week old Husky/Boxer mix. Pawley was a little jealous at first but together they have learned how to get along and to play together. It is nice for Pawley to have a little buddy around the house. She likes to stand over her little sister and protect her from the vacuum and nudge her butt up the steps to our house.  Get a wiff of this cuteness.